Source | Directory of Healthcare Providers & Services (NDH) Implementation Guide (v4.0.1) |
resourceType | StructureDefinition |
id | ndhPnQry-InsurancePlan |
canonical | |
version | 1.0.0-ballot |
status | active |
publisher | HL7 International - Patient Administration Work Group |
name | NdhPnQryInsurancePlan |
title | Payer Provider Network Query InsurancePlan Profile |
date | 2023-07-29T19:27:44+00:00 |
description | An InsurancePlan is a discrete package of health insurance coverage benefits that are offered under a particular network type. A given payer’s products
typically differ by network type and/or covered benefits. A plan pairs a product’s covered benefits with the particular cost sharing structure offered to a consumer.
A given product may comprise multiple plans (i.e. each plan offers different cost sharing requirements for the same set of covered benefits).
InsurancePlan describes a health insurance offering comprised of a list of covered benefits (i.e. the product), costs associated with those benefits (i.e. the plan),
and additional information about the offering, such as who it is owned and administered by, a coverage area, contact information, etc. |
jurisdictions | us |
fhirVersion | 4.0.1 |
kind | resource |
abstract | false |
sdTtype | InsurancePlan |
derivation | constraint |
base | |
Usages | |