Source | ORF (R4) (v4.0.1) |
resourceType | StructureDefinition |
id | ch-orf-urgentnoficationcontactfortheresponsetothisdocument |
canonical | |
version | 2.0.0-ballot |
status | active |
publisher | HL7 Switzerland |
name | ChOrfUrgentNotificiationContactForTheResponseToThisDocument |
title | CH ORF Urgent Notification Contact For The Response To This Document |
date | 2023-06-29T19:28:25+00:00 |
description | An information recipient to notify for urgent matters about the response. (e.g. in a clinical setting, the referring doctor has to be called by phone right away at the time the images and reports arrive. The Urgent Notification Contact for the Response can be specified already in the request. At the time the response is written, this element shall be populated to the Urgent Notification Contact element in the response.) |
copyright | CC0-1.0 |
jurisdictions | ch |
fhirVersion | 4.0.1 |
kind | complex-type |
abstract | false |
sdTtype | Extension |
derivation | constraint |
base | |
contexts | fhirpath:Composition |
Usages | |