This page is part of the Argonaut Data Query Implementation Guide (v1.0.0: Release) based on FHIR R2. This is the current published version. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions 
Mappings for the StructureDefinition-argo-medicationorder Profile.
Argonaut MedicationOrder Profile |
MedicationOrder | argoprofile | CombinedMedicationRequest |
id | | |
meta | | |
implicitRules | | |
language | | |
text | | Act.text? |
contained | | N/A |
extension | | N/A |
modifierExtension | | N/A |
identifier | | id |
dateWritten | | author.time |
status | | statusCode |
dateEnded | | |
reasonEnded | | |
patient | | subject.role |
prescriber | | author.role |
encounter | | componentOf.patientEncounter |
reason[x] | | reason.observation or reason.observation[code=ASSERTION].value |
note | | |
medication[x] | | consumable.administrableMedication |
dosageInstruction | | component.substanceAdministrationRequest |
id | | n/a |
extension | | n/a |
modifierExtension | | N/A |
text | | text |
additionalInstructions | | component.substanceAdministrationRequest.text |
timing | | effectiveTime |
asNeeded[x] | | boolean: precondition.negationInd (inversed - so negationInd = true means asNeeded=false CodeableConcept: precondition.observationEventCriterion[code="Assertion"].value |
site[x] | | approachSiteCode |
route | | routeCode |
method | | methodCode |
dose[x] | | doseQuantity |
rate[x] | | rateQuantity |
maxDosePerPeriod | | maxDoseQuantity |
dispenseRequest | | component.supplyEvent |
id | | n/a |
extension | | n/a |
modifierExtension | | N/A |
medication[x] | | consumable.role |
validityPeriod | | effectiveTime |
numberOfRepeatsAllowed | | repeatNumber |
quantity | | quantity |
expectedSupplyDuration | | expectedUseTime |
substitution | | subjectOf.substitutionPersmission |
id | | n/a |
extension | | n/a |
modifierExtension | | N/A |
type | | code |
reason | | reasonCode |
priorPrescription | | |
Argonaut MedicationOrder Profile |
MedicationOrder | argoprofile | |
id | | |
meta | | |
implicitRules | | |
language | | |
text | | |
contained | | |
extension | | |
modifierExtension | | |
identifier | | ORC-2-Placer Order Number / ORC-3-Filler Order Number |
dateWritten | | RXE-32-Original Order Date/Time / ORC-9-Date/Time of Transaction |
status | | |
dateEnded | | |
reasonEnded | | |
patient | | PID-3-Patient ID List |
prescriber | | RXE-13-Ordering Provider's DEA Number / RXO-14-Ordering Provider's DEA Number / RXE-14-Pharmacist/Treatment Supplier's Verifier ID / RXO-15-Pharmacist/Treatment Supplier's Verifier ID / ORC-12-Ordering Provider / PRT-5-Participation Person: PRT-4-Participation='OP' (all but last deprecated) |
encounter | | PV1-19-Visit Number |
reason[x] | | ORC-16-Order Control Code Reason /RXE-27-Give Indication/RXO-20-Indication / RXD-21-Indication / RXG-22-Indication / RXA-19-Indication |
note | | |
medication[x] | | RXE-2-Give Code / RXO-1-Requested Give Code / RXC-2-Component Code |
dosageInstruction | | |
id | | |
extension | | |
modifierExtension | | |
text | | RXE-7.2-Provider's Administration Instructions.text / RXO-7.2-Provider's Administration Instructions.text / TQ1-10-Condition Text / TQ1-11-Text Instruction |
additionalInstructions | | RXE-7.2-Provider's Administration Instructions.text / RXO-7.2-Provider's Administration Instructions.text / TQ1-10-Condition Text / TQ1-11-Text Instruction |
timing | | TQ1-X / ORC Quantity/timing |
asNeeded[x] | | |
site[x] | | RXR-2-Administration Site |
route | | RXR-1-Route |
method | | RXR-4-Administration Method |
dose[x] | | RXE-23-Give Rate Amount / RXE-24.1-Give Rate Units.code / RXE-24.3-Give Rate of coding system |
rate[x] | | RXE-22-Give Per (Time Unit) |
maxDosePerPeriod | | RXE-4-Give Amount - Maximum / RXE-5-Give Units |
dispenseRequest | | |
id | | |
extension | | |
modifierExtension | | |
medication[x] | | RXE-2-Give Code / RXO-1-Requested Give Code / RXD-2-Dispense/Give Code |
validityPeriod | | |
numberOfRepeatsAllowed | | RXE-12-Number of Refills |
quantity | | RXD-4-Actual Dispense Amount / RXD-5.1-Actual Dispense Units.code / RXD-5.3-Actual Dispense of coding system |
expectedSupplyDuration | | |
substitution | | |
id | | |
extension | | |
modifierExtension | | |
type | | RXO-9-Allow Substitutions / RXE-9-Substitution Status |
reason | | RXE-9 Substition status |
priorPrescription | | |